Saturday 25 June 2011

Family Time Is A Time For Joy!

After a tiring day at school, I meet my boyfriend up in town to do some shopping - OH the joys of being a girl!!!
'easy for you to say, I have to put up with you!' <-- thinks boyfriend!
I mean the rudeness!!!!
Anyway, after a rather exciting shopping trip with my loved one, I arrive through my white front door dragging the heavy shopping with both hands, panting due to the heat, after tethering up my camel out in the front garden, where it chews upon Daddies prized flowers, I enter the house ..... DUN DUN DUNNNNN!


Where I find my grandparents in the blue room, I can't really call it the play room anymore, because all of our toys have been replaced with a dog - lovely doggy mind!
And so, after a lovely day spent with my family, and singing, etc, dropping them off at the ferry etc.
But coming from the car to the front door .... owe! Just look at the photos!

Before we get started ....

Heart Shaped Crisp, I Love You! 

 Heart Shaped Petal, I Love You More, 'cause it is my day!!

Right, now that's done .. ready?
 I was dancing in the street, probably doing the Macarena ... wrong.

Lets just whistle my way out of embarrassment ...

'Eeek, do you think they saw me!'

 'well ... I don't care!!' I say tossing my head to the side carelessly.

 Hmmmm, what else can I do to express my inner self?

 I'll do the CanCan, or in my case the Can'tCan't!

Hey, mum, look at my new tongue! I got it from pound-land!

Right, let me just get out of this mess, and I'll be right with you! ....

I think living dragons for a few years, has had a bad influence on my make-up!

Yes, yes, you've seen, shall we move on?

 Ahhh, this is better - a public notice, what fun!

And an angel emerges out of the kitchen!
Perfectly normal!

Yours With Love - Gabriel! xx

Friday 3 June 2011

Beaching With My Beloved!

After another lovely day at the beach with my fantastic boyfriend, my lovely family decides to take sun burnt me, out for the my third beach trip in 2 days, only this time for a dog walk! So in the car we got, my new 'normal' sized headphones in, instead of my stone-aged pair, listening to 'Forever And Ever Amen' 

See, normal sized!

Great song, I dedicate this part of my post to my amazing boyfriend, I love you xxx
(at the beginning it says 'I dedicate this to my one true love, Ally' (pretend it says Jack instead!) 

At this point of the drive (see picture below of rather good-looking hedge!) i was contemplating upon what ridiculous antics to get up to today, or this evening - feel free to read on and find out, if i am not boring you with my waffle!

Beautiful scenery - specially in black and white, you also don't smell the seaweed in photos which makes a seaweed and fly infested beach, most attractive! :O)  

Me with my notebook, don't ask, even i don't know!
Yes, me again, see ?

In answer to all possible questions, that might be asked due to the following stream of photos...

1. Yes, I am meditating.

2. Yes, I have my jumper tied round my head. 

3. No, I am not strange, just inventive.

4. Yes, I am sitting on a grassy bank.

5. No, I was in no form of relaxation at the time.

6. Yes. it was very uncomfortable. (especially as i chose a spiky plant to sit on! ¬_¬)

7. Yes, it stunk of seaweed.

8. So, No, i didn't find inner peace.

9, But yes, I did get an awful cramp in my leg!

 So after two very long and contrasting beachy outings, I Still Haven't Got A Visible Tan, just a sunburned face :O(
But luckily I really love the beach, for dog walks, tanning sessions, or romantic walks, I adore it!

This is a video for all my fans in Canada - this is me, walking with a slight pause and a shuffle, fascinating, i know!!

And this is a video of me and my sister-like friend dancing to 'salsasize'  - it is an exercise video!
What we were doing, Why we were doing it was a complete mystery for us!
 (it is 18 minutes long by the way, so if you haven't enough time, come back and watch it later!! (I don't know why I am encouraging this!) )

Yours sincerely .. Annie, the meditating salsa starfish!